Monday, May 15, 2006

Stag Jointing Paste Type B is a smooth consistency lead free jointing compound with a temperature resistance of over 650 degree C.
The product is used for sealing applications where The highest temperature resistance is required. It has been used for sealing of turbine flanges (as seen in the photograph) for over two decades now .
Reddish brown in color, this Thick consistency paste is resistant to a wide variety of chemicals, apart from the highest temperatures. The product has a specific gravity of 2.04 to 2.16 and Contains about 10-12% solvent to allow brush Application. On the lower temperature side the product can be used upto -40 degree C for sealing Applications as well.
The Application Areas
Parting Planes of turbines Sealing Gearbox flanges Threaded connections in Pipelines carrying water, Steam, gas, fuels, diesel, Compressed air, etc. All high temperature flanged Joints All high temperature Screwed joints Battery Terminals to avoid Sulphation
Pack Size and Availability
The product is available in standard pack size of 500 Gms lacquer lined tins.
Imported and Marketed by Project Sales Corp, Visakhapatnam, India